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Git commits in the blog sidebar

April 25, 2008 by alex

As the careful reader might have noticed, we have added another RSS feed to the blog sidebar. Under the keiala product blog you can now see our commits to all our open source repositories on github. To make this possible I have used yahoo pipes for the first time. The pipe consumes the RSS feeds of all our open source projects on github, merges these into one, prefixes the titles with the project names and also truncates them, before wordpress consumes that pipe’s output and displays it in a sidebar widget. That’s what I call a real mashup. :D If anyone is interested, here’s the pipe.

Hello Explorer!

You’ve found our very old Website Archive (2007-2012). It’s a bit out of date, but we love looking back at how it all started - and how far we’ve come since then! We’re now fully focused on building our coworking management product, Cobot.

Take a look →