Von heute an findet in Berlin am Alexanderplatz der 24. Chaos Communication Congress (24c3) statt. Kurz gesagt handelt es sich bei dem ganzen um eine jährlich stattfindende Hackerkonferenz, auf der es neben der eigentlichen Technik und deren hacken um damit im Zusammenhang stehende gesellschaftlcihe und politische Themen wie z.B. die Vorratsdatenspeicherung geht.
In meiner ersten Session ging es um den Eigenbau von Flugdrohnen. Im wesentlichen wurden Moellflugzeuge um Rechner, Sensoren und Kameras erweitert und das ganze mit einer Software versehen. Schon konnten wir im Sall live verfolgen, wie auf einem Acker irgendwo in Frankreich eine Drohne startete und nach unseren Anweisungen Schleifen flog und uns dabei Videobilder der Umgebung lieferte. Wirklich sehr nett das ganze - mir ist nur noch nicts eingefallen, was ich damit überwachen wollen könnte. Vielleicht die Staße vor meinem Haus, um zu entscheiden, ob ich fürs Fahrradfahren Regensachen anziehen muss oder nicht? Hm. ;)
Die zweite Session hieß “Design patterns for running a hacker space”. Das Thema Orte aufbauen ist für mich vor allem im Zusammenhang mit dem 9to5-Projekt (kein upstream-Projekt) interessant, bei dem es um den Aufbau von Orten geht, in denen (vor allem) Selbständige in Zukunft ihrer Abeit nachgehen können. Mehr dazu später in diesem Blog bzw. vorerst im 9to5-Wiki.
Eine weitere Session, die für 9to5 interessant sein dürfte findet heute abend statt: 22 Uhr, AnonAccess - Ein anonymes Zugangskontrollsystem. Wie der Name verät, geht es dabei im ein System, um Mitgliedern zu einem Ort Zugang zu gewähren, ohne mechanische Schlüssel zu verteilen gleichzeitig aber den anonymen Zugang zu gewährleisten, d.h. das System weiß nicht, wer wann gekommen und gegangen ist. Ich werde leider nicht da sein können. Falls also jemand hingeht und mitschreibt, wäre ich für einen Link dankbar.
Im Folgenden jedenfalls meine Notizen zu besagter Session, eine Liste der vorgestellten Patterns, die sich mit dem Aufbau und Betreiben eines Ortes für Hacker befassen. Der erste Punkt beschreibt jeweils das Problem, die nachfolgenden die vorgeschlagene Lösung. Vorbemerkung: Patterns sind keine Anleitung, über ihre Anwendung sollte jeweils am konkreten Fall entschieden werden. (die interessantesten Dinge hab ich mal fett gemacht)
sustainability patterns
infrastructue pattern
first infrastructure or projects?
first infrastructure
infrastructure-driven - ideas come out of infrastructure, even stuff you didn't think of
grace hopper pattern
is this the right time? have you thought about all the problems?
sure it is time
it's alwasy easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permision
when in doubt, do it
problems will be solved (don't think about it now)
community pattern
how should your group communicate
3 problems: realt time communictation, discussion, documentation
mailing list, wiki , irc (ich würde da noch Sachen wie IM (in meiner Umgebung z.Z. meist Skype), evtl. twitter, Blog hinzufügen)
critical mass pattern
how many people?
2 + 2: one partner to get kicked of, 2 more to get the work done
aim for 10 for a start
strong persomalities pattern
nothing gets done
need people who have authority, strong personalities, not people who use authority and get laughed at
need people with experience with building up spaces
independence patterns
landlord and neighborhood pattern
weird landloard, picky neighbors
talk to neighbors, need cool neighbors, they might call the cops too often
you don't live a majority livestyle - better if your neighbors don't either
roommate anti-pattern
guests are fine but don't have anyone live in your space
separee pattern
want to chill/work in small groups, but main room is occupied, want to smoke without disturbing anyone
smaller, separate rooms instead of one big
use curtains, doors
smokers room
kitchen pattern
you need food and caffeine at odd times
have a kitchen (cooking together - socializing)
have fridges
sell soft drink - income (most spaces 50% of income)
have a dishwasher (!)
freezer for pizza etc.
coziness pattern
bring in couches (also for sleeping), sofas, comfortable chairs, pillows, tables, ambient light, stereo, projector, videop game consoles
bringing in plants didn't work
shower pattern
people start smelling funny after hacking for too long
have a bathroom with a shower (also for people staying over night, guests from other cities)
washing machine for towels if you wanna get fancy
membership fees pattern
need money for rent, utilities, projects
collect fees regularly
choose appropriate amount, then make no exceptions ever
student discounts
have a totalitarian treasurer
always have 3 months of rent on your account
the sponsoring anti-pattern
never depend your space on external sponsors - companies go broke
space should not be located at company/university - you exclude people not in that culture ( non-students e.g.)
donations are ok
room must be independent
regularity patterns
plenum pattern
internal conflicts, have democratic decision-making
have a regular meeting with all members
have an agenda and set goals
make people commit themselves to tasks
tuesday pattern
every weekday sucks for a meeting, there's alwasy someone who has an appointment
pick tuesday. end of discussion. (for all spaces - you always know when everyone is meeting at every space)
open chaos pattern
you want to draw in people, have an interface to the outside world
have a monthly public and open lecture, talk or workshop for everyone
then invite interesting people to regular meetings, don't tell the weirdos :)
u23 pattern
your space needs fresh blood
recruit young people through a challenge, course that spans several weeks
let them solve problems in teams
tutor them, give them room
sine curve pattern
enthusiasm goes away after some time
enthusiasm has a sine curve with a cycle duration of 4 years
keep it running, don't give up
conflict resolution patterns
consensus pattern
need a group decision make sure no one gets left behind
don't take votes - discuss until everyone agrees
democracy pattern
discussion doesn't lead to goal
do take votes, majority wins
command pattern
nobody cleans up etc.
order people, *always participate*, yell if neccessary
sudo leadership pattern
uou start with a nie group but you suddenly find yourself in a dictatorship run by a single person
do not have ranks
use leadership only temporarily
responsibility pattern
don't have time anymore for a task you volunteered for
take pride in your volunteer work
it you can't do it anymore hand it over
debate culture pattern
everybody's yelling at a meeting and nothing gets done
make people with actual socail skiils lead the discussion (e.g student council)
learn not to interrupt others
bikeshed anti-pattern
you suggest building a new bikeshed, but now everybody discusses about the color
if you suggest something everybody will discuss it
identify useless discussions and end them
if it's complicated people will not discuss, it it's trivial and they can contribute they will
private talk pattern
someone causes a problem that cannot be resolved in the group
let someone experienced talk to the person, don't expose them in front of the group
old hadware pattern
space filled up with junk/old hadware, can't bring in new
create a pile of old/unused hardware, let everybody take from it
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