May 28, 2009 by thilo
Wow, this was the month of conferences. First we visited Barcelona for the Euruko: a great conference taking place every year in a different city. We attended it the 3rd time. The talks ranged from practical like “Cooking with Chef”, over entertaining like “Fun with Ruby (and without R***s), program your own games with Gosu” to just geeky like the lightning talk about “Vimmish and how much fun gramma parsers can be”. I really liked the 2 days 1 track format and the people I met there. And you can be sure that we will be in Krakow next year too.
5 days later I visited Amsterdam for Ruby on OS X, which I already blogged about.
And a little more than a week later, until yesterday, four of us attended the RailsWayCon here in Berlin, which tries to fill the gab that the RailsConf Europe left. The first day was reserved for whole day tutorial sessions.
The second day offered a lot of advanced topics to choose from in 3 tracks. I chose to hear more about Asynchronous Processing from Mathias Meyer and the nitty gritty details about Events from Lourens Naudé. The keynote about the Present and Future of Programming Languages by Ola Bini was also very interesting.
Upstream also took an active part at the conference: Alex gave his talk about CouchDB Frameworks for Ruby and CouchApp (using his new presentation tool boom_amazing) and I introduced MacRuby, the Ruby that plays nice with Objective-C.
On the third day Yehuda Katz revealed some more details about Rails 3. The talk by Michael Koziarski about Rails Performance was good for a reality check. In the afternoon everybody was tired after 3 days of conference and the talks lost quality. Still a very good conference with potential.