May 17, 2009 by alex
After my talk about Ruby CouchDB frameworks at Scotland on Rails where I dismissed a few of of the libraries available (including my own Couhch Potato) as not fitting the CouchDB way of doing things, I have been hacking away the past few weeks working on a complete overhaul of Couch Potato.
As a first result I have just released version 0.2 of the framework. Its new goals are simplicity, embracing the CouchDB semantics and testability. In order to achieve this I had to introduce some major changes:
I disconnected models from the database - there are no more save/get/find methods in the models. Instead you can hand the models to a database object that will save/load documents for you - this allows for unit tests that are completely disconnected from the database
I have dropped associations and thrown away all the ActiveRecord like view creation/querying, replacing it with a new, more CouchDB like system. That new system is lighter, simpler and easier to extend.
The following paragraphs will show you how to work with the new Couch Potato.
As I said I have decoupled the models from the database, a model doesn’t have permanent access to the database anymore. Instead you instantiate a database object yourself and tell it to load or save a model object. This change isn’t so much about CouchDB as it is about testability. Having the database separated means you can now have true unit test of your models without talking to the database. Here is how you save/load models:
class Book
include CouchPotato::Persistence
property :title
CouchPotato::Config.database_name = 'my_db' # in Rails this is done for you
db = CouchPotato.database
book = :title => 'The Passionate Programmer' # good book! book # saves the book or raises an exception
db.load book._id # the original book
The database is responsible for running the model’s validations and lifecycle callbacks, saving the document to the database and afterwards setting the _id and _rev on the model. This way a lot of the persistence related logic is removed from the models making them more lightweight and most importantly easier to test (see below).
Overhauling of the views had two main goals:
Here is how you create and query a simple view:
class Book
view :by_title, :key => :title
property :title
db = CouchPotato.database
db.view Book.by_title # no parametters
db.view Book.by_title(:key => 'The Passionate Programmer', :descending => true) # just use any of the parameters CouchDB accepts
The way views work is now essentially reversed (inversion of control, rings a bell?). Instead of the view method calling the database the new view method creates a specification for a CouchDB view. The view is passed to the actual database in order to query CouchDB. Again this makes testing easier (see next section) but it also gives Couch Potato a clean interface in order to make creating views easier through abstractions. There is now a hierarchy of view specification classes that you can use to more easily create and query views. The above example used the CouchPotato::View::ModelViewSpec which is the default. This spec creates a view whose map function emits one (or an array of) attribute of the model and returns full documents.
Other view specs let you create more customized views, for example the RawViewSpec, which lets you define your own map/reduce functions and return the raw CouchDB results hash.
class Book
view :title_length, :type => :raw, :map => "function(doc) emit(doc.title.length, null)}"
property :title
db.view Book.title_length # returns something like {:rows => [{:key => 25}]}
For more examples see the Documentation in the CouchPotato::View::*ViewSpec classes.
As I have mentioned repeatedly decoupling the database from the models makes testing easier. With the new Couch Potato you can unit test your models without hitting the database once. First of all that makes your test lightning fast, and secondly it allows you to more easily test for example your lifecycle callbacks because you can call them directly passing them a stub or mock database.
Here’s an example: (with RSpec)
class Book
property :title
property :slug
describe Book, 'create' do
it 'should generate a slug' do
book = :title => 'The Passionate Programmer'
book.run_callbacks :before_create
book.slug.should == 'the-passionate-programmer'
If you don’t like calling the run_callbacks method you can also use the actual database object but without a real connection to CouchDB. Couch Potato is based on the excellent CouchRest - a more low level CouchDB framework. The CouchPotato::Database constructor expects an instance of a CouchRest database which we can replace with a stub:
describe Book, 'create' do
it 'should generate a slug' do
book = :title => 'The Passionate Programmer'
db = stub('couchrest database', :save_doc => {}) book
book.slug.should == 'the-passionate-programmer'
For more details and examples please see the README, the RDocs and watch this blog. If you want to know all about Couch Potato I encourage you to read through its source code and specs - it’s not that much code actually. Note that all this is still work in progress and time will show how well all of this works. I would be happy to hear your feedback.